Helen Rowland from Focus Trust describes why she introduced a Mindfulness Programme to her fellow leaders and shares insights from her own leadership journey
Margaret Clarke, Head of Training and Development REAch2 Academy Trust, explains how Mindfulness has helped her find sanity when the to-do list pile up and overwhelm threatens.
Intuitive, empathetic and compassionate - Executive Headteacher Liz Davison shares what led her to learn about Mindfulness and how it has impacted her leadership.
Cathie Paine, CEO REAch2 describes her journey from discovering Mindfulness to running Mindfulness residentials with other school leaders. A personal exploration of how this has enriched her leadership, her time and the culture of the schools she leads.
After a turbulent school year, Headteacher Simon Morley shares how Mindfulness has helped him me more ‘present’ at work and find his balance in times of stress.
As a school leader, Mindfulness has helped me to become what always seemed just out of reach during the school day - more focused, more together and less rushed.
As 8th March draws closer and we prepare to welcome more children and staff back to school in England, what does this mean for us now? How do we stay present in a conversation, in order to truly see and fully know those we lead?
This must surely be the most extraordinary start of a school term any of us have ever known. We’re spending much of our time worrying about and grieving for that which has not yet happened. It is exhausting and erodes our wellbeing.