The practices and the materials we engaged with helped nourish the authenticity that I really value in myself. It strengthened our core purpose.
We know what a challenging time the last two years have been and it's not going to get any easier for some time. This is the world we are now living and leading in. So, when introducing a Mindfulness Programme to Focus Trust, I was keen that any work we did really met the needs of the Principals, Deputies and the Central Team.
Maggie helped us to collaboratively construct the programme, ensuring we were leaning into that which was most important to us. Some of the areas we wanted to explore were how to let go of work at the end of a day (week or year), how to lead with uncertainty, staying calm, composed and balanced in tough times, and how to renew ourselves as leaders so we can sustain our leadership and our effectiveness long term. As a Trust, offering this training demonstrated that we value - and want to invest in - the well-being of our most senior leaders.
Throughout the Mindfulness programme I reminded participants that the most important thing we can do is look after ourselves, whilst being flexible and adaptable in challenging times. It's so easy to plough on, working harder and harder, and I wanted the team to see that stepping back, pausing and reflecting was time well spent. It felt like a priority, so much so that we time-tabled the sessions during the school day - not easy for us, but the right thing to do.
We came to the programme sessions already having had a hectic few hours in work and the opportunity to practice settling, pausing, becoming aware of our emotions and our thoughts and working skilfully with them was so powerful. We all went through a range of emotions, and started to open up to each other in the break out groups. Not only that, but the programme affirmed my personal values and those of the Trust. The practices and the materials we engaged with helped nourish the authenticity that I really value in myself, our team and across the schools. It strengthened our core purpose.
So despite it being a big commitment, it was absolutely worth it.
Me and my leadership
There were so many 'light bulb' moments for me. I was particularly struck by the practices we did to strengthen balance and open up our perspective. I know I get all my energy from being fully involved, and sometimes I do need to step back, and broaden my perspective. I can now see I have a choice about when to be on the 'balcony' and when to get on the 'dance floor’.
But what really changed was a heightened awareness of how I am leading day to day. As a CEO, people often expect an immediate answer from me, and that can result in an over-quick response, that in hindsight perhaps wasn't the best, and can have enormous repercussions - once it's out there, you can't take it back. The work we did on the responsive leader helped me to see that I have choice. I do not have to react to everything immediately. I can pause and take the time I need to gather my thoughts, so I can be a little wiser, and a little more considered.
The work we did on 'radical acceptance' also helped me to see that at times of unexpected challenge I can accept that 'this has already happened; I can't change this - but I can decide my response to it and that will change what happens next so the outcome is better.' In other words, I might not like the beginning, but whatever I am dealing with can definitely have a better ending.
Next steps…
We're building mindfulness practice into our regular Leaders' Forums and I have invited those colleagues who came along to the sessions to lead them. We're calling this a 'mindful moment’.
It gives us an opportunity to spend a few moments at the start of the meeting reflecting on why we are here and connecting with our core purpose. We ask ourselves; how do we want to be in this meeting to give the best of ourselves and get the best out of others? Sometimes we play music. It's not everyone's cup of tea but I think they would be the first to say they feel better for it.
Across the Trust we have 6000+ children and 1000 employees and for me the growth of this work is 'drip, drip, drip'. I'm empowering the leaders to decide what they want to do next, I’m motivating those colleagues who came on the programme to model what they have learned, and we’re encouraging other staff to have a go, share stories, and sign up for the empowering leadership newsletters if they are interested.
Even the simplest of practices can have a significant impact on individuals and in turn those around them.