“Mindfulness gave me and my team space to pause and helped us find our anchor and stability in a period of great uncertainty. Most of all, it helped us grow as leaders.”
I have met many inspiring education leaders over the years. Leaders I want to work for. Leaders I want to spend time with. Leaders I want to learn from.
These leaders have all embodied certain characteristics that speak to the best of ourselves as human beings; selfless, humble and deeply passionate about their core purpose. They demonstrate, in their actions, their speech and their way of being, a deep sense of moral purpose - of which Mindfulness is a vital part.
So… what is Mindfulness?
Mindfulness is the practice of being present to our experience - moment by moment. We practice in order to cultivate a better way of being in our lives. We engage in it in order to better serve the organisations we lead. We embody it to cultivate virtues that can positively shape the world around us and those we share it with. It is an ethical practice.
There are three core practices underpinning all mindfulness work -
Calmness and Composure
The ability to be with whatever is arising in the moment without resistance or judgment.
Attentiveness and Awareness
Paying attention to our experience, moment by moment, day by day. Appreciating the here and now.
Compassion and Kindness
Cultivating the spirit of curiosity and kindness enabling us to be in the present moment free from bias and reactive habits. This strengthening of compassion for ourselves and for others can then be a transformative force in our organisations.
For many years, a regular practice of Mindfulness has been an important part of my work and my life. It has sustained me through some challenging professional times, helped me to be more present and appreciative of my everyday experiences (even the challenging ones), and allowed me to find ways in which I can respond, rather than react, to complexity and change.
In recent years, my work has been focused on the connection between Mindfulness and Leadership. How can mindfulness help us flourish and thrive in the role of leader? How can it strengthen the ethical and moral basis of our leadership and so influence the culture of our schools and education spaces? How can mindfulness help us become the leader we aspire to be?
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